The Careers Hub is responsible for Impartial Information, Advice and Guidance (IIAG) across the Academy. We organise work experience, guide students with accurate careers and course information, promote self-reflection and self-understanding. Developing cross-curricular structures to help students understand how to access careers and courses at a variety of levels is also an important part of our work.

We endeavour to help students with application and interview techniques as well as career and course research; and we actively promote the development and knowledge of transferable skills within subject areas.

We use the Gatsby Benchmarks in unison with the Compass Tool to evaluate our programme to ensure it meets the required standards. We also take feedback from students, employers, parents and teachers to improve our provision. This is completed in a number of ways such as through Future Skills knowledge tests, feedback from work experience placements, looking at destinations data and Google form feedback. We have also been assessed by OFSTED (Outstanding) and DCC (5 Star Award) for excellent practice.

We are open to providers of apprenticeships, vocational courses, technical education and other routes. If you would like to present to students about your opportunities please read our policy on provider awareness here: Provider Access Statement

You can call us on 01305 830536

Baron Miles ( is the member of staff responsible for Careers Education at the Academy.

Clair Oetegenn ( is our Careers and Guidance Coordinator.

Claire Hughes ( is our Aspirations Employability Diploma (AED) Lead

Careers Hub Targets Overview

Careers Hub Calendar

Subject-based Careers Calendar

Work Experience Forms

Careers Information Advice Guidance Policy

Aspirations Employability Diploma

Where next

Curriculum Overview

Budmouth Curriculum Statement  What we are trying to achieve at Budmouth Academy: Our vision is to deliver an authentic education for the children of our…

Curriculum Overview

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