Academy Improvement Plan
A key part of our work to improve the student experience and academic results at Budmouth Academy is planning for continuous improvement in all aspects of our work.
Our Academy Improvement Plan sets challenging objectives for different areas that we are seeking to improve. The plan identifies the specific actions that will be required to achieve each objective and it also identifies what the impact would be if the objectives are achieved. The plan also considers key priorities that the Aspirations Academies Trust are seeking to develop e.g. better provision for vulnerable students via GROW provision.
Our Leadership Team monitor this plan on a half-termly basis and evaluate whether key actions are completed (green), ongoing (amber) or not yet started (red). At the end of the academic year, the plan will be reviewed for its overall impact. An important part of this is to review the final performance in relation to our key performance indicators. This review will help us set a relevant and challenging Academy Improvement Plan for the following year.
This process is replicated by our Subject Co-ordinators and Subject Leaders where they identify the more specific areas that are relevant to their subject and teams.
A link to the Academy Improvement Plan can be found here: AIP 2023-24