Manufacturing is the large-scale production of products or goods that are then sold on to a customer. Industries that require qualified manufacturing graduates include space, music, nuclear, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and automation and robotics. The total value of UK manufacturers’ product sales was £400.8 billion in 2021, an increase of £34.5 billion (9%) from £366.4 billion in 2020, but this remains lower than the 2019 total of £402.2 billion. The manufacture of food remains the largest division (making up 20% of total sales); the manufacture of furniture (£7.8 billion) and the manufacture of wood and wood products (£9.0 billion) showed the largest proportional increases in sales, up by 22% and 21%, respectively. In this project area you will learn about how you take a design and create the process for turning it into a product, from the selection and ordering of materials to the quality control of the finished product.
Job Market Data
3.2% of jobs required in 2024 will be in Construction and Engineering
1.1% of people aged 17-18 want to work in the sector according to an ONS survey from 2021
For more information have a look at the complete ONS data
Driving Question: How do you design the manufacturing process to create a product?
Project Guide Slides: MANUFACTURING sector: Project Guide Slides
Immersion Event: Unbuild a Gadget
Live visit to observe the organisation of the manufacturing process
Part 1: A deeper look into Manufacturing and the roles available
TASK: Create a report on the jobs available in the sector
Part 2a: Materials and Procurement
TASK: Create a slideshow of required parts and their use
Part 2b: Production and Assembly Planning
TASK: Create a Process Flow chart
Part 2c: The Importance Quality Control
TASK: Create a Quality Control checklist
Part 2d: Engineering Drawings
TASK: Create a No Fit Drawing
Part 3: Presentation
TASK: Present your overall Manufacturing Plan and Design
Final Evaluation