Publishing, broadcasting and communication is a sector that takes in all forms of media, from digital companies like Tik Tok and YouTube to printed media such as The Guardian and Private Eye. Not only does it have the remit to entertain, inform, debate and persuade, but it is also used to sell, drive traffic and interest in companies or events and deliver clear messages from the government. From marketing to mass entertainment this sector has a vast number of different roles. In this project area you will be working with Reach PLC, owner of some of the biggest media in the UK, on an introductory marketing based exercise and The Economist, a print and online magazine, to pitch, design and create a ‘leader’ for the publication, learning about journalism, graphic design, editorial and other roles within the business.
Job Market Data
4.1% of jobs required in 2024 will be in the Publishing, Broadcasting and Communication Sector
4.5% of people aged 17-18 want to work in the sector according to an ONS survey from 2021
For more information have a look at the complete ONS data
Driving Question: How do you research, design and create a ‘leader’ in a magazine
Project Guide: PUBLISHING, BROADCASTING AND COMMUNICATION sector: Project Guide Slides
Immersion Event: What is a magazine ‘leader’ and how are they created?
Part 1: A deeper look into Publishing, Broadcasting and Communication and the roles available
TASK: Create a report on the jobs available in the sector
Part 2a: Pitching a ‘leader’ to the Editorial Team
TASK: Create a pitch for your ‘leader’ idea
Part 2b: Researching your stories
TASK: Compile a list of potential articles, images and graphics
Part 2c: Audio/Visual Journalism
TASK: Create an audio/visual article for online publication
Part 2d: Written Journalism
TASK: Create a written article for publication
Part 2e: Leader Design
TASK: Design the layout of the cover and articles
Part 3a: Presentation
TASK: Present your overall production piece
Live visit to local publishing/newspaper to present magazine
Final Evaluation