Year 11 Support and Revision for February Half Term
The Key Stage 4 curriculum at Budmouth is made up of two parts:
- Core curriculum subjects
- Four Option subjects – with some direction of courses that have to be chosen. You must choose a first and second choice subject in each option column on the form – put a 1 for 1st choice & 2 for 2nd choice in each option column.
The core subjects you will study are: English Language; Maths; English Literature; Science; PSHEE & Core Citizenship; Core Ethics and Philosophy; and Core Sport.
Your programme of study allows you to achieve the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) requirements to support your future career progression.
year 10 ks4 preparation evening presentation
year 11 success evening
main presentation from raising achievement evening
Raising Achievement Presentation
how to prepare for exams
A Productive Working Environment
Writing a Home Study Timetable
how to access difficult texts
How to access ‘difficult’ texts
Learning from Experience
Year 11 Raising Achievement evening – Learning from experience