Budmouth Academy Results 2023

Exam & Assessment Results – KS4:
  • P8 score
  • % of students entering the EBACC
Budmouth Academy: 70%

Average across all Dorset Schools: 35%

National Schools Average: 39%

  • Students destinations (% of students staying in education or employment after KS4)
Budmouth Academy: 99%

Average across all Dorset Schools: 94%

National Schools Average: 94%

  • Attainment in English & Maths (% of students achieveing a Grade 5 or above in GCSE English & Maths)
  • Attainment 8 score
Exam & Assessment Results – KS5
  • Progress
-0.11 Vocational -0.85 Academic
  • Attainment
A* – C: 55%

A* – E: 95%

GCSE Results

Many students achieved stand-out results, both in terms of the high grades achieved and also in terms of the progress they made; these included James Hall, Oliver Turnbull, Lilia Jeffery, Jasmine Kingman and Will Harris. These students achieved  grades between 7 and 9 (equivalent to the old A-A* grades) in almost every subject. Daniel Bushell achieved seven Grade 9s an 8 and two grade 7s. Joanna Mazur achieved five grade 9s, four grade 8s and one grade 7. All three will be joining A’ level courses in the Budmouth 6th Form.  


Pete Hudson, Vice Principal, was impressed by the attitude of the students throughout year 11: “Students were really engaged in all of the extra support we put in this year; this included the breakfast revision club and holiday revision sessions. We even extended the school year so they could receive as much support as possible. As well as the academic GCSE courses, Budmouth Academy offers a broad range of vocational courses and we’ve seen great results here too. Amongst our highest achieving students, Isabelle Churchill achieved Distinction * in Health and Social Care and James Hall earned the same in Engineering, with Ben White reaching a Distinction in Creative IMedia.”


Many students also made noteworthy progress over their five years at Budmouth Academy. Gabriella Modelewska, Halle Swyre, Riffe Bradley and Elliot Pearson exceeded their targets by up to three or four grades in some subjects. Holly Brookes and Amelia Forshaw showed the value of hard work, with both achieving excellent attainment and progress and securing some of the top GCSE grades across many subjects. 


“At Budmouth Academy we are keen to stress that characteristics such as engagement, resilience and purposefulness are the keys to this success,”

“We are very pleased to see so many students choosing to stay at Budmouth for both A levels and vocational courses next year.”

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